Sunday, April 20, 2008

Jackson Went to Bible Class!

Jackson went to Bible class at church for the very first time tonight! He sat in his seat, and, according to his teachers, did really well. They said he seemed to enjoy all the little activities and songs in class. I guess I must look like the crazy mom of the century taking the camera to church to get a picture of it, but I take pictures of everything else he does and I thought this was a pretty important occasion, too! We're proud of you, Jackson! Thanks to teachers Lori and Emily for taking care of him and teaching his very first Bible class!


lvining said...

He did GREAT! He seemed so mesmorized by everything...of course it was all new to him! Oh, and I loved the wedding pictures...Noah looked so handsome!

Rebekah D. said...

Yay for Jackson! I don't think you're crazy at all for taking a picture of him. At least you're not snapping a photo of your son at the front of the auditorium trying to baptize himself like some moms I know! ;-)