Monday, August 10, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten

Noah's day started with an earlier than usual wake up! When he realized Daddy was taking pictures of him waking up, he put his hand out like he was blocking the paparazzi or something!
Once he got moving, he was ready to go!

Walking in school with his little brother! I think Jackson would have stayed with him.

Family picture for Noah's Kindergarten scrapbook.

Getting his backpack settled with Mrs. Nave.

Getting to work- drawing a picture of his family was his first assignment.

Leaving chapel he was all smiles.

On the way home from school he seemed thrilled with his day...the exact quote was that "It was more fun than Disney World." Wow! If I would've known that we could have put last years trip money toward tuition instead!

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Splash Pad

Atina and I took the kids to Florence to the Splash Pad today. They had so much fun! Noah and Samuel always have a good time playing together and today was no exception. We stopped at Dick's on the way for some soccer shoes for the two of them, then headed to the playground where they killed a little time waiting on the water to come on. Jackson wasn't so sure about it- he played on the edges and was afraid to go into the big water! Blakely took him in and mothered him a little bit! It was fun, but very hot, so after an hour or so, we changed into dry clothes and took them to lunch at McDonalds. It was a fun way to spend our last day of summer before school starts! Thanks Atina, Samuel, and Blakely!

Riding with PawPaw

PawPaw hooked the wagon up behind the lawnmower last night and took the boys for a ride. Noah has always loved getting to do this. It was Jackson's first time, and I think he loved it just as much!

Summer Fun

When we were outside Tuesday afternoon, Noah asked to play in the sprinklers. We had already been swimming, but he played in the water for a while again anyway. Jackson wasn't too sure about it, but Noah had a great time.

Jackson had more fun hanging out in the back of daddy's truck and watching Noah blow bubbles!

He tried to blow a few on his own and managed to make a pretty good one!

Later on, after supper and bath time, they wrestled for a while. I think Jackson won this round- he pinned Noah down by sitting on his head! They have so much fun together!

Kindergarten Meet and Greet

Monday night, we had a Kingergarten Meet and Greet for Noah's class at ABS. We met at the park, let the kids play, and had snacks.
Can't believe our little boy is growing up and ready for school now!

Jackson had lots of fun at his big brother's party! I think he's going to like all the school related activities that we get to go to!

He liked the cupcakes best of all...Jackson never misses a chance for cake!

Heather Nave- Noah's teacher played a little game with all the kids to get them to tell a few things about themselves. I think they're going to have a great year- 13 boys and 5 girls! Noah's got lots of opportunities for new friends. He's very excited and can't wait for Monday to get here!