Friday, June 26, 2009

Brotherly Love!

Jackson and Noah are enjoying being together so much since Noah's out of school. Jackson has turned into a little copy cat, everything Noah does, he has to do too.

This picture is a good example of that- Noah laid down on his belly, and Jackson immediately had to do the same thing!

Jackosn got new Elmo pajamas today, and he's quite proud of them. Keeps pointing to everybody on them and says "Elmo, Cookie, and Bert!"

I know I said this the last time I got behind on blogging, but I'm really going to try to keep up better! We've not had a lot going on, just playing outside and swimming a lot. We had a few pictures from Jackson's first trip to the pool this year, but accidently deleted them from the camera! We'll try to get more next time.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Final T-Ball Game

Noah's team had their final T-ball game last weekend. They made it to the finals in the post-season playoffs. Even though Noah probably played better in that game than he has all season, they weren't able to pull it out and came in second. We were still very proud of him and his team. They had a great year!

Noah's fan club! I think he brought the most fans ever with him to the final game! You probably can't see everybody here, so I'll list them! Me, David, Jackson, Danna, Randy, Hillary, Hannah, Rachel, Olivia, MawMaw, PawPaw, Aunt Margie, and Uncle Barry! Yep, that's 13 people he had cheering just for him! You'd have thought he was in the world series! It was great having everybody come out and help us cheer him on.
Noah's second trophy of the season for being runner-up in the tournament! We couldn't have asked for a better first season. We're already excited about next year!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Happy Birthday David!

Happy Birthday to you, David! I won't say just how old he is, but let's just say we won't be celebrating 30 something anymore after this year! Papa and Nana came over today to spend the night, so for dinner we grilled out, then had birthday cake!
Jackson of course enjoyed the cake. He found it in the kitchen a while before supper and kept walking around saying "cake cake cake". The little guy loves him some cake!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pirates of the Bowman House

Noah pulled out the pirate costumes the other day, put one on himself, one on Jackson, and said "Come on Jackson, let's play pirates!" Off they went to the pirate ship in the playroom to do just that. Jackson tried his best to figure out how to climb up on top just like Noah did, never quite succeeded though!

Ahoy Captian Jackson!

Fighting over the controls of the ship! They had lots of fun. Noah's been doing well here lately trying to play things that Jackson can actually try to do with him. I think when Jackson's a little bigger, they're really going to have a good time with each other!

Campin' in the Garage!

Noah has been wanting to go camping and David's been wanting to take him for a while now, it just hasn't worked out for them to go. While I was at work the other night, they came up with the idea to camp in the garage since they couldn't camp outside. I think Noah was thrilled with it!
The tired little camper was evidently sooo tired, he fell asleep face first!

Morning Snugglers

Every morning when the boys wake up, David and I always make a big deal over them and make sure everybody gets a good morning hug. Jackson and Noah have continued this tradition with each. They are always so happy to see other in the mornings and give each other big hugs.

Jackson also loves to bring Noah books to look at with him. Noah likes it to0- it gives him the chance to be the "teacher"! You can see, too that Bones is never far from the two of them! He always wants to be right up in the middle of whatever the boys are up to.