Sunday, October 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Jackson!!

Jackson turned 1 year old today! We can't believe that it's been a year since he came to complete our family. He's grown from 6#10oz to somewhere around 22#. We haven't seen him take any real steps yet, but he should be walking anytime. He's standing up on his own a good bit, but when he realizes what he's doing he sits right back down. Talking is his thing right now. He still babbles a lot, but says several words too. His favorite is "Dadada" and sometimes "Dadeeee!" He's changed so much over the last year, and has changed our family, too. Noah was so excited the day he was born, and has stepped into the role of big brother so well. He's never been jealous at all, watches Jackson like a hawk to "protect" him, and overall just loves him to pieces. Jackson seems to adore Noah just as much. He wants to be where Noah is and play with what Noah's got all the time. We had a birthday party after church today. Jackson had lots of fun digging into his cake with both hands and eating it up. He got lots of fun presents, too. We'll hopefully have some pictures up tomorrow of the big event, but couldn't let October 5th pass by without a Happy Birthday post! So Happy Birthday little buddy!!! We love you!!!


momx2 said...

Happy Birthday, sweet Jackson!!!

Rebekah D. said...

Happy birthday, Jackson! You're getting to be such a big boy!