Tuesday, October 7, 2008

School Picture

Here's our big boy looking all grown up in his school picture! He's learning lots at preschool this year- at least I think he is. He does a very good job on all the papers that he brings home. Most of the time when I ask him "What did you do at school today?", rather than tell me about it, he just says "Look in my backpack." I pretty much have to pick details out of him. We have a homework assignment every week to look for pictures that start with the letter that they are studying and glue them to his letter page. (They are making a book of the whole alphabet.) Sometimes this project goes pretty well, other times we butt heads over it. It amazes me how much he'll let other people teach him things, but when I try to help, he wants no part of it! Overall, though, I think he's doing great and should be more than ready for kindergarden next year.