Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Internet Lingo

This morning while we were playing and getting ready for school, Noah was talking about a new toy that he's just dying to have. At first I told him that he'd probably have to wait and ask Santa for it, but then I remembered that he has a Target gift card that he got from Aunt Danna for his birthday. I told him that I would try to look on the computer to see if Target has this particular toy that he wants so he could go there and use his gift card on it. He seemed content with that, and a few minutes he came up to me and said "Mom, let's get on-line and see if has my toy." How weird it is to hear our 5 year old talk so intelligently about something that didn't even exist 15 years ago, much less when I was 5. He'll never know a world without computers, internet, cell phones, etc. (I could go on and on- I remember when we got our first microwave and it was the size of a small refrigerator these days!) Wonder what kind of new stuff will come out in his lifetime?


Radiant Rubies Thirty One Team! said...

Me and Josh were talking about that the other day. We were talking about Marysa driving one day and we were saying how cars will be flying by then! Why we were talking about our 7 mo. old turning 16 I have no clue!?