Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Noah!!

Happy 5th Birthday to our little buddy Noah! We can't believe that he's already 5 years old. He's grown into quite a little man. We celebrated on Saturday with a party with friends and family. He was set on a Kung Fu Panda party and cake, so that's what we had. He was very proud of his cake. He had lots of fun at his party and got some really cool stuff. We gave him presents this morning from Mommy, Daddy, and Jackson, then Noah and Daddy went to see the new Disney movie "WALL E" this afternoon. When they got back, Papa and Nana were here for a visit and brought more presents. I think he's had a pretty good 5th birthday and is already talking about next year's birthday!


lvining said...

Happy (late) birthday Noah!!

Aunt Danna said...

We love you so much, Noah Noah, and Aunt Danna is bringing your happy birthday present in 2 days!!! :-)

I love your Kung Fu Panda Cake!