Sunday, March 2, 2008

Cowboy in Training?

The rodeo fun continued after we got in from church tonight. Since Jackson stayed behind at MawMaw's house today, Noah (being the great big brother that he is) wanted to give Jackson his private showing at home! First and foremost in any "show" of Noah's is that you must look the part and that includes everyone. Jackson, being the good sport that he usually is, went along with the plan. Sitting in his little saucer sporting that great big hat, he sat and watched, totally amused while Noah rode his stuffed horse and demonstrated how to swing his new rope. Have you ever seen two cuter cowboys? Maybe next year Jackson will get to go along for the real show!


jbullington said...

What a pair. They look so cute. Noah reminds me so much of our dad. I can see Dean in him. Glad you had fun a the rodeo.

Rebekah D. said...

That's so cute! Doesn't it make you so happy when your boys have fun together?