Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bible Times

Here's our "Little Boy David" all dressed up in his outfit put together by me and MawMaw! Noah was so proud of it...he wanted to look like the little boy David pictured in the Beginner's Bible. We got it as close as we could and he was pretty happy with it!
Jackson decided Noah actually needed a little spotlight for the occasion!

And of course, Jackson needed to stand up and say cheese just like Noah did. He's a little copycat for sure.

The kindergarteners spent all week working on Bible times things...a house, a well, pottery, scrolls, etc.
"Little Boy David" with "Queen Esther" a.k.a. Whitney Cook!

When they came to the lunchroom for the Bible times feast, they sang a few of their favorite Bible songs. Here's little boy David with some friends...Elijah, King David, and Methusalah!
After singing, we had a little feast in which we got to sample lots of food from Bible times...Noah discovered fish and almonds weren't so bad, and I was pleasantly surprised that lentils are quite good!


momx2 said...

Well that is just too neat!

He looks
great! So
does Esther! ;)

momx2 said...

Well that is just too neat!

He looks
great! So
does Esther! ;)