Monday, March 2, 2009

Playground Fun

So...I'm going to attempt to catch up on some blogging! I was inspired by looking at Lacy's blog and seeing that it is possible to catch up! I have a few minutes peace/alone time today, so I'll give it a shot!

One Saturday in February, we went to Nashville for the day just to get out and do something fun. Toward the end of the day, the kids needed some time to run around and play, so we stopped by one of our favorite playgrounds that I used to take Noah to in Brentwood when we lived there. They had a really good time!

Do you think Jackson loved to swing just a little bit? He loved it so much he cried when he realized he had to leave as Daddy carried him to the car!

Noah had lots of fun pushing Jackson in the swing, too!

Noah always seems to enjoy trying to climb up the slide, rather than sliding down it! Both of the boys had a really good time playing outside for a while. We can't wait until it gets warm so we can do lots more of it.


momx2 said...

That is the CUTEST pic! Love the windblown hair. And that smile!!!