Friday, February 6, 2009

Field Trip!

So...I haven't completed fallen off the blogging wagon, I just haven't wanted to blog about two sick kids! Thankfully, this week everybody seems to be well and life is getting back to normal. Just in time, too, because Noah got to go on a field trip this week that he's been looking forward to for the last month. Yesterday his Pre-K class got to go to a "Max and Ruby" play at the Princess Theatre. Max and Ruby is one of his favorite tv shows and he was so excited about going. Everyday for the last month he's asked me when he would get to go, and the night before, he reminded to wake him up early so that he wouldn't be late for school and miss getting to go to the play. Needless to say, he loved it and already wants to go back. He did make a couple of funny observations- he said that "Max and Ruby just looked like normal people, but they had bunny ears on." He also noticed that "Max and Ruby didn't have the same voice that they have on tv." Guess he was expecting to see the "real" Max and Ruby!!