Thursday, September 11, 2008

A New Food to Love

Okay- so I know you've barely heard from me this month, and this is my third post tonight. The whole family's been sick off and on for the last two weeks, so I haven't been able to get much done. I decided to go ahead and get everything posted that I've been meaning to while I'm on a role. Anyway- as you can see, Jackson has found another food to love. Or should I say another food not to dislike, since there's really nothing out there that he won't eat- edible or not. He tried to eat my grocery list at WalMart today- it has a bite mark out of the corner. I made spaghetti the other night, and even though he's had pasta in several other forms (he can pretty much eat his weight in mac & cheese), he really had fun slurping the spaghetti noodles up. It was pretty cute.


Jones Family said...

how cute! jackson is adorable!