Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bunco Night and End of Blog-o-Thon!

If you scroll down far enough, you'll see that I just did lots of catch up blogging! I've had lots of things to post, just haven't had a chance to do it. I think I've finally gotten about everything finished. I put so much on here about the kids, I thought I'd wrap it up with something about me for a change!
Last Tuesday night Lacy had all the girls from church over to her house for Bunco. We ended up not ever playing Bunco- we just ate and sat around and talked. It was lots of fun to spend time with the girls and just relax a little. I was long overdue for a night out/away, so I really enjoyed it. Thanks Lacy for the good food and having us over, and thanks Lori for letting me steal your picture of the night since I forgot my camera! Thanks to all the girls for the fun and good conversations! Love you all!!

Doughnuts with Dad

Friday morning was "Doughnuts with Dad" day at Noah's school. They were supposed to have had it before Christmas, but had to reschedule because school was cancelled for snow that never came! Anyway, they got to have breakfast together and do a little building project.
Noah and Daddy built Noah's very own ant house! It was also "Wear your favorite team colors day", so they got to dress in their Tennessee shirts!

Noah was very proud that he built something with a hammer and nails! Way to go Noah and Daddy!
Noah with some of his little buddies at school- they built "Noah's Ark" out of blocks and put the animals in it.

Jackson the Climber

Jackson's new favorite thing to do- climbing on any and everything that he can. He tried to climb on our bed the other night, slipped, and hit his chin on the wooden bed frame. He got a pretty good bruise and scratch out of that one.
The other problem with climbing- figuring out how to get down once he's tired of just standing there!

We finally put up all the little chairs in the house so he couldn't climb on them. Didn't take him too long to find something else to scale- the train table. I give up. We're pretty sure a head injury and/or stitches are in his future pretty soon!

Star Wars Puppy

This is Bones after his bath the other night. He looks kind of like Yoda when his hair's all wet with his ears sticking out. He's not a fan of the bathtub!!
The after pics- once he's been dried, brushed, and fluffed. Doesn't look so much like Yoda now!

Waiting for a Crumb to Fall

Bones has figured out the place to be during meal time is at the foot of Jackson's highchair. There's usually always several bites of food thrown overboard and Bones makes sure he's there to catch it before I clean it up. It's kind of like having a built in vacuum cleaner! He is a little picky, though. He refuses to eat the grean beans and peas that fall to the ground. He usually holds out for a bite of chicken or a noodle or something.
Just had to add this picture in as proof that Noah is beginning to venture out a little with his eating. One of his new faves is chili. I convinced him to eat by getting him to dip some chips in it like it was salsa. What do you know, he actually liked it! We now have about 5 foods to pick from instead of 4 when it's time to eat!

Big Brother Storytime

Jackson and I were sitting in the floor the other day reading his favorite book- "The Foot Book". Noah came along and decided he wanted to read to Jackson. (He knows most of the book from memory. It used to be his favorite book, too). It was so funny to see the look on Jackson's face when Noah started to read to him. He looked up at me like "Hey- he can read, too!" He was entranced with watching Noah read to him.
After a few minutes, it was really cute when Jackson decided to leave my lap and try to sit in Noah's lap to listen to the book.
Since Jackson's almost as big as Noah, they decided it would work better to sit beside each other instead. Of course Bones had to get in on the action, too.

Once Jackson had heard his book a few times and then spotted me with the camera, he decided to abandon storytime to pose for some shots instead!

Big Boy Cup

Jackson's always trying to figure out a way to get our cups and steal a drink. I guess he figured out a way to drink out of a big person cup after all. He found plastic cup, dropped his sippy cup down into it, and magically had a "big boy" cup!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Family "Hike"

On one of the less dreary/rainy days that we had last week, we went out for a little family walk. It was the first time Bones has gotten to do anything like that and he loved it. As you can see in the picture above, we had a little bit of a hard time keeping him on the trail!
Loved this picture with Noah, Daddy, and Bones together taking a break on the bench!

Jackson was as hard to keep on the trail as Bones was. Looks like he thought he was about to sneak away from us right here!

Noah and Daddy found a huge crawfish in the little creek. They played with him for a few minutes, then threw him back.
We had fun on our little "hike"! It was a great way to get out and spend some time together and get a little exercise in the process.

Daddy's Future Hunter!

This is actually the picture I wanted to put with the Jackson 15month birthday post. It was taken that day he turned 15 months. He loves to play with his daddy's hats- puts them on, takes them off, and tries to put them on other people. Noah loves camo stuff, too, so hopefully one day, daddy will have two extra buddies to take hunting with him!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

How Exciting!

Thanks, Lori for passing on the fabulous blog award to me! I must say that I'm quite surprised since I've let my blogging slip a little over the last month or so. I'll make every effort to try to blog a little more so that I stay worthy of my award! Now for my 5 addictions that I must reveal in return for receiving this award. This was actually a little hard for me since I don't really consider myself addicted to anything- it took a little self examination!
1. FOOD. Yes, I'm ashamed to admit it, but I love to eat. All foods are good, but my favorites are sweets. Chocolate, cookies, candy, etc. Just ask the girls from the cake ball assembly night at April's- they saw me eating pure white chocolate that wouldn't melt right straight from the bowl. I just couldn't stand to see good chocolate go to waste! I then followed it up with several cake balls. Yes, sweets are good.
2. Reading. I don't get to read as much as I would like, but give me a good book and I can hardly put it down. I've been known to do nothing other than what absolutely had to be done so that I could finish a new book on the same day I got it. My nightly ritual before going to bed involves doing a Bible reading, a reading from a devotional, and something else from a magazine or book.
3. Organizing my kids toys. Sounds weird I know. The rest of my house can be in disarray, but I keep the toys in the playroom organized. All the trucks in one bucket, all the balls in one place, all the stuffed animals in the basket, etc. I may not know where my checks are, but I know where any given toy is at almost any time!
4. Trying to keep everybody happy. I guess this is more of a personality trait, but I always try to keep things running smooth for everybody. I go out of my way to avoid conflict and try to plan ahead so that things go smoothly. It would kill me to think that I ever hurt someone's feeling or made them unhappy in any way. I'm constantly trying to think of ways to make my husband and kids happy.
5. Bloggs and Facebook. Obviously I'm not keeping up with my own as much as I should, but I love checking everybody else's daily. If I ever miss a day, I feel like I'm out of touch with what's going on! Since most of the blogs I follow are friends who are moms at home with kids like me, it's fun to see what everybody else's day has been like.
There you have have it- 5 addictions that I've confessed to. Now it's time for me to pass this prestigious award on to 5 fellow bloggers:
1. Emily S.
2. Dawn G.
3. Jenny J.
4. Amanda N.
5. Ronna K.
Have fun with it, girls, and enjoy your award!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy 15 Months Jackson!

Jackson was 15 months old on Monday! We're not making as big a deal about every month now that he's past a year, but I thought 15 months was a milemaker for him! We went to the doctor for his check up- He weighed 24lbs6oz and is 32 inches long. He's definitely growing like a little weed. Eating is still one of his favorite things to do. A new favorite food that he discovered yesterday: Cheetos. Healthy, I know! Oh well, we all deserve junk food from time to time. He's also walking all over the place now (has been for a while), climbing (and giving mommy and daddy a few gray hairs!), and trying to talk more and more. His favorite word is still "Da". He walks all over the house hollering "Da" until he finally finds his daddy. He also loves to try to answer the telephone. As soon as he hears it ring, he gets up and starts looking for the phone. He's growing up too fast! We love you, Jackson!

P.S. No picture with this post, and I still have more Christmas pics to post, but something's not working right with either my computer or Blogger. Hope to figure it out soon!