Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 9 Months Birthday Jackson!

Jackson is 9 months old today! We can't believe how much he's grown and changed. It's all gone by so fast. He's got 6 teeth now, working on the 7th and 8th ones. I have no idea how much he weighs or anything since we haven't been to the doctor since 6 months- we have a check up in a couple of weeks. He's pulling up, crawling all over the place and into everything. I'm afraid Jackson may make his first trip the the emergency room before Noah at the rate we're going. Wednesday night before church he kept kind of coughing, almost like he was gagging on something. His teachers in class found a sticker stuck to his tongue and thankfully, were able to retrieve it! He's so active right now he's just an accident waiting to happen. We love him just the same- he's getting sweeter and cuter everyday!


Aunt Danna said...

Be careful out there, Jackson! :-)
We love you.